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What is waste heat recovery

Release time:2023-07-27 15:35:23      Number of clicks:156

The drying system uses gas as a fuel to generate hot air, which is discharged after indirect contact with the material. The flue gas emission temperature is 80°, the water in the material evaporates moisture, and the emission temperature is 90~100° C. The two parts of the emission gas contain a lot of heat that can be recycled.

In order to achieve the purpose of waste heat recovery, our company adopts the Japanese quasi-original absorption heat pump technology, also known as heat increase heat pump, that is, the use of a small amount of high temperature heat source to drive, extract the heat in the evaporative moisture, produce a large number of medium-temperature heat sources that can be used, so as to achieve the recovery of waste heat and improve the efficiency of heat utilization.

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