Technology - Indirect heat transfer technology advantage

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Technology - Indirect heat transfer technology advantage

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Indirect heat transfer technology advantage

1、High security

Indirect heating, no contact between the heat source and the material. The production process is completely isolated from the air, the drying chamber only raw materials and dry evaporation of moisture, the oxygen content of the system is 0, high safety.

2、Strong environmental protection

The material and heat source exchange heat indirectly, only evaporating moisture is discharged without other pollutants.

The fuel is clean natural gas and gas, and the direct emission of low-nitrogen combustion products meets the environmental requirements. The coal slime is in contact with the heat exchange tube at the bottom of the dryer, and the dust is small. Compared with the drum type using the lifting plate and the rotor type forcing and high-speed throwing, the dust amount is reduced by more than 90%, and no huge environmental dust removal device is required to achieve the standard emission.

Fully automatic control of heating system, integrated furnace design, multiple measures to achieve low nitrogen emissions.

3、High processing capacity

Special structural design, large heat transfer area, high heat transfer efficiency, processing capacity up to 200t/h.

4、Good drying effect

Indirect heat transfer, heating temperature up to 750°C, the heated material moisture evaporation fast, good drying effect.

5、Good energy saving effect

The exhaust gas emission temperature is low, the heat utilization rate is up to 90%, and the energy saving effect is good.

6、High degree of automation

DCS automatic control, precise control of process parameters, real-time monitoring of temperature, pressure and other parameters of key parts, high degree of automation.