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Manufacturing industry chain long led a team to visit key enterprises on the research chain

Release time:2023-02-20 15:50:47      Number of clicks:148

On February 15, Taishan District high-end equipment manufacturing industry chain chain leader led the industry chain special class personnel to Taian Jiahe Heavy Machinery Co., LTD., Shandong Xiangde Mechanical and Electrical Co., LTD., Shandong Judoshi Energy Technology Co., Ltd. three Jiagui enterprises to visit and investigate.


The research team visited the production site of the enterprise, and asked the project construction situation of the enterprise in detail, as well as the problems of the enterprise's resumption of work and production after the holiday, market orders, management and so on. For the construction and revenue of the three enterprises in 2022, the research team requires each enterprise to ensure that the construction target in 2023 is achieved, and the operating income increase is 20%-30%; Jiahe Heavy Industry should speed up the construction of the third phase of the project to ensure smooth production in May; It is necessary to rationally layout the workshop site, accelerate the digitization construction, and improve the informatization construction level of enterprises; Accelerate enterprise brand building, according to the needs of the enterprise, actively recommend the application of high-end brand cultivation enterprises, provincial gazelle enterprises, individual champions and national specialized special new small giants and other honors, to help the rapid development of enterprises.

In the next step, the special class of high-end equipment manufacturing industry chain in Taishan District will continue to visit and investigate, communicate and exchange with relevant enterprises in a timely manner, strengthen the fight for the upper hand, effectively solve the practical difficulties of enterprises, and promote the smooth development of the industrial chain.                                                                                                                                                                

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