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Mining equipment and construction machinery industry chain multi-cut chain strong chain

Release time:2022-09-28 15:53:51      Number of clicks:131

Correspondent Huang Lijuan Cheng Cong

"The excavator in front of us is the JH8600 newly developed this year, and a single one is worth 1.6 million yuan." Entering the production workshop of Taian Jiahe Heavy Machinery Co., LTD., located in the industrial gathering area of Qiujiadian town, Taishan District, the general manager of the enterprise, An Baofeng, pointed to the "big guy" weighing 60 tons in front of him, which is a new product developed by the enterprise this year, and is now undergoing comprehensive testing, comparing the peer products with energy saving, environmental protection, affordable and other advantages.


As a leading enterprise of mining equipment and construction machinery industry chain in Taishan District, Jiahe Heavy Industry is now gradually transforming from a traditional construction machinery manufacturing enterprise to a scientific and technological innovation intelligent manufacturing enterprise relying on the development of modern intelligent technology and high-tech products through "machine replacement".

In order to achieve industrial upgrading, Taishan District mining equipment and construction machinery industry chain is strongly promoted to extend the chain strong chain, through the rapid promotion of project construction, a number of measures to help enterprises rescue, to achieve the acceleration of industrial clusters.

Key projects are progressing in an orderly manner. Around the project planning, the first set of industrial machine products of "ultra-high pressure elastic press technology and equipment" newly developed by Shandong Judoshi Energy Technology Co., LTD., an industrial chain enterprise, has been successfully put into operation in Inner Mongolia Huineng Coal Power Group in July 2022. Recently, the urban industrial chain class and enterprise Judoshi entered Inner Mongolia field investigation, reached a cooperation agreement with enterprises in Inner Mongolia, and fully supported the intention of Inner Mongolia into equipment orders. The first set of industrial machine products of the "Hot air indirect heating and drying technology and equipment" independently developed by the company will also be successfully put into operation in Shenmu Jiangtai Coal Chemical Industry in Yulin, Shaanxi Province at the end of 2021. At present, the design scheme has been optimized for five times, and the first phase plans to install and put into operation 10 drying equipment, preparing to sign a strategic cooperation agreement with Xinjiang TBEA Electric in the near future. At the same time, around the project signing, in April, the total investment of 150 million yuan Taian Hongyan Technology and Trade Co., Ltd. new energy power sharing factory project signed landing, the total construction area of the project 45,000 square meters, plans to new experimental equipment 2 sets, testing equipment 30 sets, automatic assembly production line 2 sets, automatic packaging line 2 sets, is expected to be completed and put into operation, The annual output of air energy heat pump is 200,000 units, and the output value can reach 400 million yuan. At present, we are actively coordinating the handling of land procedures, and the construction will start immediately after the completion of the procedures.

Business services continue to play a role. On July 9, Taishan District established the Chamber of Commerce of mining equipment and construction machinery industry chain and set up the Party branch committee of the Chamber of Commerce of mining equipment and construction machinery industry chain to further guide the chamber of Commerce enterprises to participate in the chain, support the chain, strengthen the chain, and promote the industrial chain to become bigger and stronger. At the same time, the industry chain also through the development of standards to help enterprises, promote the standardization of key enterprises to make breakthroughs, many times to Jia and heavy industry, Zhongtian Taihe, Zhongshuo machinery and equipment manufacturing chain enterprises to carry out standardization construction work guidance, the preparation of standardization "policy package" delivered to enterprises, this year, a total of 2 national standards, 3 industry standards, 2 group standards. Taian Jiahe Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. was selected as a provincial high-end brand cultivation enterprise. In addition, we actively carry out intellectual property pledge financing services to solve the financing problems of enterprises on the chain, and provide intellectual property pledge financing services for six enterprises including Juling drilling equipment, Cathay Technology, Zhongtian Taihe, Zhongshuo Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing, Jiahe Heavy Industry, and Zecheng CNC Machinery Co., LTD. At present, all of them have passed patent pledge loans and enjoy provincial and municipal discount interest subsidy policies. Through the bank-enterprise docking platform, we helped Judoshi Energy Technology and the Bank of Communications reach an initial cooperation intention, and it is expected to achieve a financing amount of 20 million yuan, which solved the financing problem of enterprises, revitalized corporate funds, and provided effective support for the sustainable development of enterprises.

At present, there are 26 enterprises above designated scale in the mining equipment and construction machinery industry chain in Taishan District, including Jiahe Heavy Industry, Zhongtian Taihe and other leading enterprises, Juling drilling equipment, Taidong mining machinery, Xiangde Electromechanical, Modern Heavy Industry, Zhihe machinery, Judoshi Energy technology and other supporting enterprises. Among them, there are 2 provincial high-end brand cultivation enterprises, 5 provincial specialized and special new enterprises, and 2 gazelle enterprises, and the output value of enterprises in the first half of the year reached 916 million yuan, an increase of 19.4%.

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